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Made my day!

The flash itself is great,_nothing_ to complain about, and it gets even more fun when reading the reviews :D

Great :)

I usualy like to write long and detailed reviews ... But not this time. This game doesn't need any, you (the random reader) should just give it a go.

The only reason I _found_ for not giving this a 10/10 lies in some of the graphics, some "dirty' pixels here and here.

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well ...

I'm a big fan of the original. This one doesn't bring anything new but you know that already. As a flash realisation, it's quite good, graphics look a bit better than the other one ... However there's some bugs once animated especialy in the lower part of the screen. The music fits quite well, except the 'introduction' wich is (imho) too short ... A big part of the fun when for me when I started playing the first one was to get past it heh. But I guess that's the kind of comment you can really ignore, I'm not being objective.

So to summarize:
- Nothing new about the gameplay
- Improved graphics
- Some bugs tho, that's probably why I'll keep playing the first one


kryssow responds:

-the gameplay shouldnt be new, its a direct adaption on marvin spectrum
-sry, papervision has its limits
-wich bugs do you mean?

Very nice!

To the players:

Don't give up! At first all levels might seem discouraging, but after a few tries you'll realize it's not THAT hard. Once you figure out a good plan of action, those obstacles aren't unbeatable. This is a game you'll beat by trying and missing a lot (i.e. learning), but it's not like you can spam keys randomly.

To the author:

What I really like is the level design: Few tiles but it doesn't become repetitive and the learning curve is just as it should be. Graphics and sounds are just fine.

You are asked to add easier levels, I don't think your game really need them and imho it wouldn't make it better. If you really want to tho, split the tutorial level in 3 or 4 parts and don't mix them with the game (add a tutorial button or something)?

I can see why some people are asking for more levels, but there again it would be a tough task to do so while keeping the same game design quality. But maybe you still have some vicious ideas for more level heh. Or there again you could add a new mode (beside game and tutorial) called "challenges" or something ... You wouldn't have to worry about the learning curve and the repetitive aspect for that one.


guillotine605 responds:

Thanks so much for the review, you're exactly right, DON'T GIVE UP!

More levels coming in HighRoller Revamped!

Review and tips

--- Review ---

The basic idea is really cool and add something to the genre. The RPG elements are fun to try out with a good variety of skills to choose. However, some levels can really be boring to solve and it wouldn't have required a lot of work to take this game one step higher.

- Graphisms: They are good, nice effects and the bosses are nicely animated. At times the screen can really get messy, but after a few tries you'll get used to it. On the other hand, the fixed background can sometimes be confusing in boss levels (especialy in the last one). Since the screen is quite empty you when move you might not have the feeling that you are actualy moving.

- Sound: Nothing outstand, but works well.

- Gameplay: Controls are quite easy to handle. Dash has to be used carefuly but is really a powerful tool to beat some of the levels. The available set of skills to choose from gives the game some replayability. However I have the feeling the producer tryed too hard not to take some ideas from Arkanoid and the like. For example, a skill working like glue would have been a nice addition (and would have made the horrible regen blocks combo level beatable without needing a lot of luck).

All in all, it's a good and challenging game. However there is room for improvement, a few badly level are poorly designed and there is a lack of skills to get a better control on the main orb.

--- Some tips ---

Try it, you'll most likely loose at some point and will have to restart from scratch when out of continues. Then change your skill selection accordingly. The setup that worked for me:

Until I reached 40 str, I added 2 str 1 spirit 1 wis each level. Then I added 2 spirit 1 wis 1 luck each level. Spirit is really important, as it boots the damages of all your active abilities but also those of orbs from orb mastery and shadows (99% sure).

- First of all I maxed dodge. You WILL (most likely) get hit quite often in later levels, this skill works really often and will save you a lot of HPs ...
- Then I maxed orb mastery, at level 10 you get 4 additional orbs that deal good damages (almost same as your main orb without the critical skill) if you put some points in spirit. Having a lot of orbs is a key to victory in later levels as they also can destroy those annoying big purple projectiles.
- To get ready for the regen blocks combo level, I got destruction and destruction revoke at lvl 4 (to get a lower cooldown, that's what you get from lvl 3 to 4). Allows you to chain them fast enough to beat this level (still after some tries tho).
- I maxed shadows, still to increase the number of orbs.
- I maxed splash too, when it triggers it's almost as powerful as destruction.
- You'll have some points left, I'd recommand to add one point in pierce for 2 annoying levels in wich your orbs will hardly reach some defenseless block. I went for critical with what was left, but Immortal is maybe a better choice (if taken earlier).

When a level start, cast your shadows and focus on defense. Don't care too much about attacking yet. Get used to the pattern and sequences of bullets and once you got a rythm start looking closer at the level. If there is no healing blocks, you probably won't need to do anything but to recast shadows (you maxed all the skills that give you more orbs). if there is some healing blocks, do your possible not to miss occasions to cast destruction or destruction revoke (still while dodging).

Doing so, I didn't need a single continue and could probably have droped some str to boos 'spirit'

Technicaly impressive, game design could be better

If you read this and think it's too long, jump to the last point ... Others are well covered already in those previous reviews.

I'm far from being a flash expert, it had a really pro feeling to it tho. I got hooked and played it to the end, getting the ally rank in three factions (ranger, mercenary, "evil").

But when it comes to game design, there is several things I disliked, especialy in the last tier of the game. Here are some facts:

- Might be wrong, but seems a ranger doesn't need any strength and/or focus. What's the point of allowing the player to spend points there?
- While I could already beat the boss, I lacked 1500 faction points to unlock the quest and had to spend a lot of time killing 300 of the same monsters. And it was not a challenge.
- I maxed the mercenary faction (a similarly boring process) to get access to their last quest, was quite desapointed to see I already got the reward while doing so ...
- Dongeons are way too similar.

Some suggestions:

1) Make the main factions (good/evil) easier to get at the end. You shouldn't force the players to farm.
2) If they want to, fine, but it should be rewarding. Make the reward from quests unique items (and better than the ones you loot at a similar level), not something you can already get on monsters. Like the last class faction quests. Do so at least for last merchant/mercenary quests.

Some others:

1) Add some variety to the monsters in dongeon, why not (for example) some kind of casters with a deadly spell but a slow animation ... So you have to run to avoid it. Would add something to the fights as well.
2) Make the boss fights harder, as ranger you cast #4 then spam #1, boss dead. Give them some friends ;)
3) Hide some high level monsters (lvl 40 or so) with very good equipements (one piece for each class).
To add some variety and replayability, I'd say:
4) Find a use for all the stats no matter the class
5) Break the class factions, instead (as an example) have one for strength oriented characters, one for agility oriented character and a third one for focus oriented characters. Warrior could hit harder with str, faster with agi, could have their most powerful powered with focus. Similar for rangers. Wizards could have powers based partialy on str and/or agi, didn't try the class but something like: fire element, powerful but slow, partialy based on str (needs a good body not to collapse while casting such spells); wind element, weak but fast, partialy based on agi (no point casting fast if you can't perform the ritual fast enough); void element, control spells, based only on focus (all it takes is a strong mental). Something along those lines ... And tune the quest rewards accordingly.

Nice one

Nice little game :)

To those have troubles to beat it and are looking in the reviews for a guide or something, here is my way to play:

0) general advices
- don't bother with mines and smithies.
- taxe rate at 35 avoid troubles.
- symbols are expensive and not a must to beat the game, you can ignore that part
- to make your dots happy, food rate at 30 (once you can handle that) is the best way

1) The start
- Go for 1 market place and 1 farm
- Then build enough farms to handle your population
- If you have a bad start (events wise), lower taxe rate to get at least 10 happy dots

2) Marketplaces
- Build up to 200 marketplaces while taking care of the farms (each time you don't produce enough food, build some farms). As a side note, having a huge safety storage will come to use later (when raising food rate).

3) Happy!
- Now start building up to 200 farms as well, while raising food rate accordingly. Having the food rate at 30 is the best way to make your dots happy (luxury), and it will be faster and faster.

4) Rounds 40-50
- Time to start building fortresses, you need 10 of them at round 50.
- Save as much money as you can

5) Round 50
- Your dots should be way more happy than needed, lower the food rate until you are confident that you can sell all the food you stored, and do that.
- Spend half your money in buying weapons
- Spend the other half to raise your army(should be around 3000 soldiers)

6) Final fight
Good luck :P

Hope it helps.

finefin responds:

nice guide! thanks! but some of these hints won't work in the updated version which i will upload soon...

not bad

Excelent concept, but I'd have loved being able to choose some different AI ... At the moment, you can indeed try some strategic build, but you need a lot of luck for your bots to behave the right way for your set up to work (unless you just go for the most powerful chassis, shield and weapon).

In addition, it seemed to me that opponent's AI used that while I could not. Best example is the cleric not rushing but staying behind.

Got some fun here

I expected some boss to appear with like a 20 letters long name tho :P

scored around 50k


You probably worked a lot on this but ...

Graphics & style: Not bad, the animation looks a bit weird sometimes tho ...

Sound: I turned it off. Annoying.

Interactivity: The IA is just too bad for me to enjoy this. The only challenging thing is to find all the secrets of the level ... Just get in the back of the ennemies they will let you hit their back ...

In my view you released it too early, sad after investing that much in a game to end with this. Make the ennemies move at least.

MasterFury responds:

Im considering re doing this game.
The major thing I'll fix will be
- Lag (Its hard to know what is doing it)
- more ennemies
- better AI (it is easy to do that, if you play some of my other game you'll see that I can do alot better with AI)

Luka @Khann


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